Oversight committee
g1000 oversight committee
Het ‘Oversight Committee’ bestaat uit onafhankelijke deskundigen die er op toezien dat de G1000Landbouw eerlijk en onafhankelijk verloopt. Zij beoordeelt of G1000.nu handelt in lijn met haar waarden en rapporteert over de kwaliteit en legitimiteit van de G1000.
Manon de Jongh
Dr. and Senior Consultant at UKON
Bjørn Bedsted
MA Social Anthropology and Deputy Director at the Danish Board of Technology (DBT)
Graham Smith
Professor of Politics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, UK
Franziska Eckardt
PhD candidate on Deliberative Mini-publics, Department of Public Administration, University of Twente Secretary of the Oversight Committee
Katrien Termeer
Kroonlid Sociaal-Economische Raad, Oud-vice-voorzitter van de Raad voor Openbaar Bestuur, Hoogleraar Bestuurskunde Wageningen University & Research
Manon de Jongh
Dr. and Senior Consultant at UKON
Bjørn Bedsted
MA Social Anthropology and Deputy Director at the Danish Board of Technology (DBT)
Graham Smith
Professor of Politics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, UK
Franziska Eckardt
PhD candidate on Deliberative Mini-publics, Department of Public Administration, University of Twente Secretary of the Oversight Committee
Geerten Boogaard
Hoogleraar Decentrale Overheden - Thorbeckeleerstoel - Universiteit Leiden. Lid van het Oversight Committee G1000Landbouw
Katrien Termeer
Kroonlid Sociaal-Economische Raad, Oud-vice-voorzitter van de Raad voor Openbaar Bestuur, Hoogleraar Bestuurskunde Wageningen University & Research
Laatste nieuws oversight committee
Oversight Committee Meeting (03-02-2021)
Recommendation: We understand the request to organize the G1000 Agriculture online due to the current pandemic situation as well as the current political momentum. However, we advise the G1000 organization not to replace a face-to-face deliberation with online...
Oversight Committee Meeting (17-12-2020)
In December, the Oversight Committee met for the second time. The main topic of the meeting was the design of the G1000 Agricultural programme. The committee members discussed how this design could best contribute to the realisation of the seven central values of the...
Oversight Committee Meeting (13-11-2020)
In November, the first meeting of the Oversight Committee took place, chaired by Katrien Termeer of the WUR. The goal of the Oversight Committee is to guarantee the independence of the G1000 Agriculture process and to ensure that G1000.nu remains true to its values...